Battle for Azeroth - Allied Races


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Jul 16, 2009
Battle for Azeroth - Allied Races
Subraces are finally here, officially called Allied Races. Two of them were playable at BlizzCon. Keep in mind this is a demo, not final.

In addition to the races listed below, Zandalari Trolls, Nightborne, Void Elves, and Dark Iron Dwarves are planned.

Highmountain Tauren
  • In addition to the regular options, customize facial hair / hair, horn style, horn color.
  • Racials:
    • Rugged Tenacity - Reduces damage taken by 330
    • Pride of Ironhorn - Mining skill increased by 15 and allows you to mine faster
    • Mountaineer - Increases your Versatility by 1%.
    • Bull Rush - Charges forward for 1 sec, knocking enemies down for 1.5 sec. 2 minute cooldown.
    • Waste Not, Want Not - You have a chance to loot additional meat and fish

Lightforged Draenei
  • In addition to the regular options, customize facial hair, tattoo style, and runes.
  • In the demo, only has access to Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Priest, Mage.
  • Racials:
    • Light's Judgement - Call down a strike of Holy energy dealing 5,150 Holy damage to enemies within 5 yards after 3 sec. 40 yd range, 2.5 min cooldown.
    • Forge of Light - Summon a forge of light, enabling Blacksmithing. Blacksmithing skill increased by 10.
    • Demonbane - Experience gains from killing beasts increased by 20%.
    • Holy Resistance - Reduce Holy damage taken by 1%.
    • Final Verdict - When you die the Light avenges you, dealing 1,162 Holy damage to enemies within 8 yards and healing allies for 1,383.

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