Denys UI


Guild Leader
May 14, 2009
Main Character
Class and Specialisation
Mage - Frost
Deny's ui

here is my ui out of combat (you click the blue buttons at the top to turn raid frames on or off, recount, chat, or omen.

the button on the far right centre, folds out into 2 bars where i keep my raid buffs (mage armor, dal brilliance, focus magic ports etc

base ui.jpg

here is my UI in combat, which is how it looks for raids
I am missing mage nuggets, need to go update it, i've drawn in a red circle where is shows my arcane blast stacks, right in the middle of where i'm constantly looking rather than monitoring a buff elsewhere

I like having my cooldowns in the centre of my screen like that, anything that i need to get within a split second I get from there.

having my volcanic potion right next to time warp is great, makes me remember to pot every time im clicking time warp etc as well. arcane power presence of mind, mana gem and mirror image is usually all cast within 10 secs of each other so its good to get them grouped up
I use keybind mouse up for teleport, and mouse down for counterspell, alt mouse down is polymorph and alt mouse up is spellsteal.

this is an LUI package, and as you can see my addons are taking up the bare minimum space, using 13.7 at the moment.

I dont like the minimap, so have it to a very very small percentage of my screen
addons I have enabled for raiding
Atlasloot - usually turn this off for raids
Button facade
EPGP addons for loot master and epgp etc
prat 3.0

Everything above except postal and atlas loot actualy comes as part of the LUI package, which being a first user of it, only took me 15minutes to configure how I wanted it.
uiraid no edit.jpgui raid.jpg
Omg you only have 8 action buttons -_-
keybinds, keybinds, keybinds
I knew I should have rolled a mage... ><
hes a mage who needs more then 8 rofl
then again im a shaman i should really only have around that amount aswell but i have a total of 4 bars with i think 12 buttons on each >_<
Looks nice :) dunno why but I myself could never get used to hiding even simple keybinds. Got too used to seeing a certain portion of my buttons darken if I failed go fake a kick etc in arena :(