Feb 12 Hotfixes, Patch 6.1 PTR - Build 19622, 6.1 Dungeon Quests, Blue Posts


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Jul 16, 2009
Patch 6.1 - Engineer’s Workshop: Anti-Aliasing & Lighting

Patch 6.0.3 Hotfixes - February 12
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
  • ideathknights.gif
    Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
    • Armor Sets
      • Tier-17 2-piece bonus for Unholy Death Knights in addition to its current effect also causes Dark Transformation to apply an additional 40% damage bonus to the ghoul, increasing total pet damage by roughly 20%.

Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
  • Blackrock Foundry
    • The Blast Furnace
      • Reduced the health of Primal Elementalists on Mythic difficulty.
      • Primal Elementalists are now immune to knockback effects.
      • Fixed an issue in Phase 2 where Slag Pools may fail to heat up Heart of the Mountain.
      • Fixed an issue where if the encounter is reset at the beginning of Phase 2, then Phase 2 adds would incorrectly spawn in during Phase 1 on the next attempt.
    • Kromog
      • Kromog’s Stone Pillars now persist for 60 seconds or if they are hit by Rippling Smash, whichever comes first.
      • Kromog’s enrage timer is now at 9 minutes (up from 8 minutes) across all difficulties.
    • Beastlord Darmac
      • Dreadwing's Inferno Breath and Spirit of the Rylak's Superheated Shrapnel no longer deals damage to player pets or guardians.
      • Fixed an issue in Stage Two where Beastlord Darmac may sometimes be unaffected by Cruelfang's Savage Howl.
    • Operator Thogar
      • Train schedules after the 7.5 minute mark have been adjusted to be less difficult on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
      • [Requires a realm restart.] Fixed an issue that could cause reinforcements from trains to appear to be standing still while still moving around.
    • Iron Maidens
      • Fixed an issue that could cause Enforcer Sorka to become stuck in the railing after using her Blade Dash ability.
      • Fixed an issue that could cause the Iron Maidens encounter to reset prematurely.
      • Fixed an issue where Iron Maidens were incorrectly only dropping Normal difficulty quest items for Sigil of the Black Hand on all difficulties.

Battlegrounds and Arenas
  • Arathi Basin: Completion criteria for the Resilient Victory achievement should now be tracking correctly and be obtainable.
  • Eye of the Storm (Rated): Fixed an issue where defending a capture point at Mage Tower and Blood Elf Tower displays the wrong tower in the chat window.

Patch 6.1 PTR - Build 19622
Build 19622 was deployed to the PTR realms. It is a very tiny build, but it is marked as a Release build, which means the end of the Patch 6.1 PTR is near.


Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Raid & Dungeon Abilities
  • Fire Bomb: A fire bomb explodes underneath you and your flesh is consumed in flame, dealing 45,000 Fire damage every 1 sec. 20 yd range. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Gronnling Smash: Inflicts 50,000 32,500 Physical damage to enemies every second. 1.4 sec cast.

Strings Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion

Patch 6.1 - Dungeon Quests
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
But now, since I've out geared them...why should I bother returning? All that hard work put into dungeons by Blizzard and I only have enough incentive to run them for 1-2 weeks before never returning to them for the rest of the expansion.
6.1 introduces new daily quests that set you on a number of different types of tasks. You're provided a random task type each day, and within that type a quest is chosen out of a bucket of possible quests. One of the task types is to complete a specific dungeon, and you'll receive a bag with gear up to (I believe) 655 ilvl. Say you get the dungeon daily, and so do I, we'll both have the same quest for that day to go (for example) go do Everbloom. Whereas our friends may get tasks of the other quest types (bounty kills, treasure hunts, raids, professions, etc). So you can visit each others Garrisons to pick up the quests you want to do that day. You can do all of them by coordinating who has what quest types available, or just do the one that's in your Garrison for that day.

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Itemization and Stats

Their original reason for removing Reforging was the fact that everyone was using it solely to maintain Hit and Expertise cap. with those two stats gone, I legitimately see no reason why Reforging cannot be brought back and used in the way it was originally designed for.

That was one part, but the bigger part was that it doesn't actually improve the game experience. There are still soft caps for some stats, but ultimately Reforging just didn't provide any engaging gameplay to get an item and then reforge it to whatever your best stat is based on a sim or recommendation from a website. That's not creating engaging gameplay. If the desire for Reforging is based on "I'd like to make my items better by picking the stats I want more." the simpler answer there, and the one that does create engaging gameplay and interaction with the game world and other players, is "Get better items."

my haste was still higher, and I was stuck with a crappy haste buff from food. I finally managed to fix that last week with a nice trinket drop that was loaded with mastery.

The moral of my story is two-fold: a) the food buff system needs to be revisited, so that people don't have to remove gear to get the buff they want (or not get it even if they do, as the case may be); and b) reforging needs to make its return, so that people don't get sad when they get new gear.

Why weren't you making/buying food with the specific buff you wanted? You don't have to eat feasts.

Anyway, there have been other sources of items than purely through drops, and other gearing sources are probably what you would have wanted to look at. But that all coalesces a bit back towards focused boss drops with the release of Foundry, which has larger drop tables and thus more items with a wider variety of stat focuses. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Premade Groups
That's not fair i figure cause i pay monthly like everyone else I should be entitled to get into open raids without being denied by some one who probably doesn't know the fights as well as I do anyhow.
Well, to flip it around: "It's not fair I'm forced to invite people to my group I don't want to."

Everyone pays the same and plays the same game, and everyone is capable of doing the same activities. I wouldn't put too much brain power into trying to figure out why other people are the way they are (unless you're getting paid for it. ;D). Instead I would make your options work for you, like finding a guild that's running Normal on a flexible schedule you can attend regularly, creating a group with friends and building a group that way, or just starting your own Normal group through the Premade Groups finder and inviting the people you want to invite.

That last one is kind of the kicker. If you were to run your own group, would you invite yourself? Why or why not? What could you do to make yourself more appealing as a player to yourself as a group leader? Maybe it's better gear, but maybe it's also including a note about your experience/skill. Or whispering the leader. Or maybe it's just finding a group that isn't full on DPS? And then, if you were to make your own group, if you were very open about inviting people regardless of class/spec/gear/skill/experience, and you repeatedly wiped on the run, how might that influence your future decisions? What if you only picked people with high ilvl and you succeeded, how might that impact your future decisions? (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Character / Items
Speaking of the coin, can we coin the mount from Rukhmar?
The mount from Rukhmar cannot be obtained through a bonus roll, only through a direct loot of the corpse. (WarcraftDevs)

For the New Garrison Visitors in 6.1, do they only spawn in Level 3 Town Halls? Currently it seems that way on PTR @WarcraftDevs
Correct, new visitors will only show up in Garrisons that have been upgraded to level 3. (WarcraftDevs)

.Any chance we will soon be able to use our cooking skill with the fires places in the Garrison Inns? Seems odd that we can't.
Yes, this is fixed In 6.1; you'll be able to use them for cooking in the T2 & T3 Horde/Alliance Inns, and Alliance Town Hall. (WarcraftDevs)

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