Illustrious Gemdust - New Method for Collecting Cataclysm Jewelcrafting Designs


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Jul 16, 2009
Illustrious Gemdust - New Method for Collecting Cataclysm Jewelcrafting Designs
New to Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 is Illustrious Gemdust, a new crafting reagent created by crushing Cataclysm gems. This reagent can then be traded for Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Tokens, which is used to purchase Cataclysm Designs at the local Jewelcrafting NPCs in Orgrimmar and Stormwind.

Players that want to complete their Jewelcrafting Design collection may be interested in this new method, since the alternative way of obtaining enough Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Tokens for all Cataclysm Designs takes 545 days of completing daily quests.

How to Learn Cataclysm Gem Crushing
Cataclysm Crushing
can be learned from the Jewelcrafting trainers in Orgrimmar and Stormwind.
/way #85 72.4 34.6 Lugrah
/way #84 63.6 61.6 Theresa Denman

Crushing Cataclysm Gems into Illustrious Gemdust
Crushing gems will award a number of Illustrious Gemdust based on the quality of the gem.

Obtaining Cataclysm Gems
There are several methods for obtaining Cataclysm Gems:

  • Purchase gems from the Auction House
    • It is recommended to purchase thousands of the same uncommon or rare gem, and then /afk crush all of them into Illustrious Gemdust.
    • If you want to speed up the process, you can instead purchase epic gems, although they are currently very expensive and limited on the Auction House.
  • Prospect Cataclysm ores into gems
    • You can mine or purchase Obsidium Ore, Elementium Ore and Pyrite Ore, and prospect them into gems.
    • This is recommended in case the price of uncommon and rare gems is too high, or none are available on the Auction House.
  • Trade your Dragon Soul currency for gems
    • Although not recommended since this method can be slow and inneficient, you can clear Dragon Soul for Motes of Darkness and Essences of Corrupted Deathwing.
    • Dragon Soul can be cleared twice a week, once on LFR and once on Normal or Heroic mode.
    • Alternatively, check all your characters to see if you have any Dragon Soul currency saved up.
    • Speak with Dasnurimi located inside the raid to exchance the currency into Crystalline Geode and Elementium-Coated Geode.

Exchanging Illustrious Gemdust for Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Tokens
To exchange 10 Illustrious Gemdust for 1 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token speak with Taryssa Lazuria in Orgrimmar or Farrah Facet in Stormwind.

You can use the following script to quickly exchange 100 Illustrious Gemdust for 10 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Tokens.
/script local function buy (n,q) for i=1,100 do if n==GetMerchantItemInfo(i) then BuyMerchantItem(i,q) end end end buy ("Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token", 10)

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