Legion - Horse Mount, Order Hall Followers, Illidan Novel, Overwatch Beta Weekend


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Jul 16, 2009
Weekly Server Maintenance, Curse of Tristram SC2 Mod

New Priest Card Reveal - Embrace the Shadow; Neutral Legendary - Deathwing, Dragonlord

Upcoming Balance Update - April 12th, Sounds of Azmodunk Video

Overwatch Beta Test this Weekend - April 15 & 16, Official Patch Notes - 28538

Legion - Horse 2 Mount
Legion adds an armored version of the Horse 2 model as a mount.

Order Hall Followers and Missions
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
Some additional thoughts on the concerns that have been raised in this and other threads, loosely paraphrased:

Don't you understand that no one likes missions? Why are you keeping any piece of the system?

We understand that many players are unhappy with garrisons, and in particular with the prominence of follower missions in Warlords of Draenor. We're certainly not sitting around, saying to ourselves, "Wow, everyone loves managing followers and doing missions; let's just copy/paste this feature into our next expansion for an easy win!"

We agree that, especially in the long run, the balance of content and rewards between garrison missions and core world content was a big problem in Draenor. Players too often found themselves without much reason to bother with dungeons or outdoor content, possibly logging on to raid or PvP, and otherwise just checking in to collect mission rewards and send followers out on new ones. And after a little while of that, it's awfully easy for it to stop feeling like a proper MMO experience.

We've tried to tackle this problem throughout our design of Legion. We've focused on replayable and varied outdoor world content and dungeon content as the heart and soul of the Legion endgame, and on reward systems that will support the continued relevance of those systems.

But at the same time, there are people who do enjoy the mission minigame, and there are some positive elements, such as a bit of offline progression, and the fun of looking forward to a reward waiting for you when you get home and log in. Not all aspects of the game are intended to appeal to all players - that's part of the challenge of creating a single game that is played by such a diverse audience with different preferences and playstyles. But while garrison followers and missions were a substantial portion of the content in Warlords, Order Hall missions are probably more like 3% of Legion.

I understand that there is a fair amount of cynicism, and there are some who are probably reading this right now and thinking that it's just a bunch of nice-sounding words trying to cover up our sinister plan of mission-table supremacy. But even if we wanted to, we know that we can’t hide anything here. Well before Legion is in anyone's hands, people will be experiencing the system in its entirety in beta, and we'll be judged on that basis.

But there's key player power at the bottom of my Order Hall tech tree, so isn't that gated behind missions?

Actually, no. As I mentioned in my post in the Alpha forums, what players are seeing in Alpha right now lacks context, admittedly because we haven't provided much. The research you can initiate in your Order Hall to unlock various perks, culminating in a strong player-power reward, requires Order Resources. Order Resources are not in any way gained through missions. You gain Order Resources from quest content: from the one-time Order Campaign quest arc, from treasures around the world, and at max level from outdoor world quests. If anything, missions are more likely to serve as an outlet for excess Resources once you have your research needs covered.

The Order Hall campaign immediately has you do missions that take a day to complete. That sounds terrible.

That's good feedback, and definitely the sort of thing we may adjust. Let me try to explain the intent here: The core of the class Order campaigns is epic quest content that is custom to your class. If you're a Death Knight, you might be working to raise a new set of Four Horsemen who are powerful enough to stand against the Legion; as a Mage, you may be investigating a plot that threatens to undo Dalaran from within; and so forth. That's what the Order campaigns are. We start you on these chains during the level-up experience, but they're intended to be a story that unfolds over time, complementing the game's level-up and endgame progression.

In Warlords, when we had the Garrison campaign quests, we presented a new one each week, but there was no real indication where the next step would come from, or how long you would have to wait in order to continue. This time around, we want to avoid having gaps where there's no quest in your log. Having occasional steps where we ask you to run a few missions with long completion times seemed like a more elegant way to do that, allowing us to weave in a bit of storytelling, as opposed to just "hey, come back next week for the next step."

I understand that most of the discussion is based on bits of information that emerge from the Alpha, and I know that it's difficult to truly reassure you when you haven't yet seen the things I'm talking about firsthand. But hopefully trying to share our goals and philosophies, as well as acknowledging past missteps (we hear you - really!), can provide some guidance about where this system is going to end up when it's complete.

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Plate and Mail in Legion

Bricksteel Gauntlets - a quest reward that I had to grind Timbermaw rep to get (the only gloves in that style/color in the game).
Thank you for the report. As a result of this post we uncovered a bug in our data conversion that had been a little too aggressive. These items, and other level 40+ Mail items that were erroneously changed to Plate, will be reverted in a future build. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

FEEDBACK: Mythic/Mythic+ Dungeons
Bolster in its current state where it effects boss encounter adds is a little bit more situational but leads to the same problem in fights where there is no way to avoid killing the adds to progress/survive the encounter. The most obvious examples of this are Helya and Cordana.
The fact that it affected things like Flames of Woe and Stormforged Obliterators was actually a bug. They should be considered part of the boss encounter and be exempt. While it was possible to handle Bolster on them, as you note, there are other encounters where it would be entirely broken. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Will Internal bleeding apply to stun immune mobs in Legion? Will it's damage increase with Deeper Stratagem?
No, it will not apply to stun-immune targets. However, Deeper Stratagem will increase it's potential damage. https://t.co/IkQwA0usll (WarcraftDevs)

Are rare mobs subject to scaling while leveling in Legion, or are they static?
The rare mobs you meet while levelling will scale with you. Separate max-level rares and rare elites exist as well. (WarcraftDevs)
when killing a level 102 mob, a level 110 player stopped to help. Mob appeared to scale to highest player's level. Y/N ?
Mob doesn't change level or stats, the damage and mob health numbers just display differently based on your lvl (Muffinus)
So you shouldn't see a damage decrease when other players hop in, unless the mob was using an ability. (Muffinus)
If you continue to see issues with this, please let us know what your findings are! (Muffinus)

Way too much melee clutter again Ion - with new spell fx, more pets and another melee class - can't see what's going on =/
Specific examples, ideally with screenshots or (even better) videos are super helpful. This is an ongoing effort for us. (WatcherDev)

Any chance of returning the old BG Call to Arms events? You could work on rep/achieves and play your favorite BGs.
We have no plans regarding these events for now, but we think that they can be valuable. (WarcraftDevs)p

Do you need lvl 110 to finish the questline for Blacksmithing. My quest stopped at quenching.
Yep! The questline will continue once you reach level 110. (WarcraftDevs)

Speaking of professions, will BS be getting a new key? WoD didn't have one, so Leystone Skeleton Key for 5 or 10 bars?
Blacksmiths have been unable to mold Leystone or Felslate into keys, but Jewelcrafters can make jeweled lockpicks! (WarcraftDevs)

whats your favorite thing about legion that as a warcarft fan you enjoy and am looking forward too
Tie between dungeons staying relevant, and artifact power letting me feel like there's always something I can do to progress (WatcherDev)

Get the New Illidan Novel Today!
The book is currently cheaper and in stock on Amazon if you don't want to wait for the Blizzard Store to get more in stock.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
Are you prepared— for the new Illidan novel? If not, head on over to the Blizzard Gear Store and order your copy today! Written by author William King, you’ll learn more about the trials and tribulations of this quintessential figure in Azeroth’s history.

You are not prepared.

Illidan Stormrage is one of the most powerful beings ever to walk the lands of Azeroth. He is also one of the least understood. Behind his legend, beneath his enigmatic mission, lies a brilliant mind whose machinations are comprehended by few—and trusted by even fewer. Illidan’s righteous reign of justice and vengeance has begun.

Purchase your copy now!

Overwatch - Beta Weekend
Overwatch is having a stress test weekend with many more invites going out.

Heroes of the Storm - Sounds of Azmodunk
Blizzard released a nice video showing how they created sounds for one of the newer heroes.

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