Shadowlands - An Update on Pelagos' Pronouns


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Jul 16, 2009
WoW Classic - Actions Taken Against Exploitation - July 1 Update

Shadowlands - An Update on Pelagos' Pronouns

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
In an upcoming build for the Shadowlands alpha, we are updating some dialog and quest text referring to a key character to the Bastion storyline: Pelagos. While normally we wouldn’t share these changes in advance, we recognize there is a higher than usual possibility of this being misunderstood if (and when) it is discovered out of context through datamining, and wanted to make sure that our intentions are clear.

A key part of the Bastion storyline is that Aspirants are able to choose a physical form that represents their true self. Pelagos, who presented as a woman in his mortal life, chose to be a man in the Shadowlands. The team had originally written him to use they/them pronouns, but received feedback that he/him would be more respectful of the character’s wishes to be identified as a man. This change is simply the result of us listening and responding to that feedback.

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