Warcraft Movie Recap


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Jul 16, 2009
Submit Questions for the Developers
We have our first interview in a long time coming up at Blizzcon and as always, we want to let the community ask questions! This time our interview will be covering the design of Legion.

If you have any questions you think we should ask, be sure to add them to the comments of the linked post for consideration. We will pick the best questions and add them to our list!

  • Don't post any questions in the comments of this news post. Use the linked topic instead.
  • These should be questions about Legion, not Warlords of Draenor.
  • No class specific questions please. This includes things like balance between the different healing/tank/DPS classes and specs.
  • Keep questions reasonably short.

Only submit questions that are about today's Blizzcon content!

Warcraft Movie Recap
We finally got to see the trailer at Blizzcon this year! The movie comes out June 10, 2016.

Press Event
There was a press event for the movie that featured Duncan Jones, Chris Metzen, and some of the movie cast.

  • The initial version of the movie felt a little bit like "Humans are good, everything else is bad". Duncan Jones came in and pitched a film that told the story of both sides with the same empathy, care, and time.
  • Blizzard wanted to share the Warcraft story with people around the world, especially the vast part of the world population that doesn't play games.
  • Blizzard and Legendary shared a lot of the same values, so it was a great match.
  • Duncan laid out his vision for the film and it felt like he was pulling the thoughts right out of their heads. He gets the details right and appreciates the nuances.
  • The movie is a chance to show people who we love what it is that has gripped us so strongly for such a long period of time.
  • If you don't play Warcraft, you can still appreciate the movie as a fantastical story of right and wrong, as well as choosing the right thing to do.
  • If they do play Warcraft, there are so many great Easter eggs hidden in the movie for you to find.
  • This movie really feels like it is for everybody.
  • Durotan was all motion capture, so it took a strong director to make it work. You really have to become the character and get every detail right, as motion capture will capture every detail.
  • There was an orc cam to help actors get used to motion capture and create a movement vocabulary for Orcs.
  • Paula Patton plays Garona. She got the script and loved it because it read like a novel, with great background and history for every character.
  • Patton was also fascinated by the fact that her character was half human and half Orc, living a life of pain and struggle as a slave to Gul'dan. She had to fight to gain respect in the Orc culture and now feels like a fish out of water in the human world.
  • Patton found the role challenging and initially scary, but she eventually learned to ride a horse and wield a sword.
  • Garona is the bridge between two cultures that have never met and are now meeting for the first time.

  • The actors got some idea of what things would look like during motion capture but they didn't see a completed and finished Orc until after they had been shooting for several weeks. Seeing how great the Orcs would look was a relief to all of them.
  • Technology has significantly advanced since Avatar, so the motion capture used in Warcraft was even nicer than Avatar.
  • Gul'dan has an unusual posture, so the actor had to squat and stay hunched over during filming.
  • The movie is a retelling of Warcraft 1, which was turned into a novel called The Last Guardian. The novel allowed them to build out the characters and story more, but storytelling of games was still crude in 1994. The mythology grew a little more with the movie, along with some tactical calls to simplify themes and ideas. The movie is the ultimate version of Warcraft 1, streamlining all of the best parts into something better.
  • The team made some weird decisions with the lore over time, some things Metzen wishes he could take back. Retelling the story was a chance for redemption, making the Warcraft 1 that everyone remembers, but better.
  • The "For the Horde", "For the Alliance", and "For Azeroth" roars from Blizzcon 2014 did get used!

Trailer Screenshots

Press Kit Images

Movie Posters

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