Warforged Invasion Armor, Event Changes, Shadow Dance, Blue Posts, Tweets, WowCraft


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Jul 16, 2009
WD Builds & Guides Compilation by J_Macc

Daily Quests Fixed! The 50 and 60 Gold Quests Have Returned

Illidan's Dive Design, Tychus vs Anub'arak, Funny & WP Moments #79, Qwerky Moments #19

Changes Coming to Overwatch Competitive Play for Season 2 - Skill Rating, Skill Tiers, Competitive Points

Invasion Armor - Warforged Hotfix
The item level 700 armor rewarded from the Legion invasions was hotfixed to have a chance to be Warforged. If you are looking for another reason to do invasions, keep in mind that XP gains were recently buffed.

Legion - Pre-Expansion Event Changes
The Legion's invasions will intensify this week and part of the pre-expansion quest line will unlock!

Shadow Dance and the Stealth Bar
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
We’ve been reading all of the feedback throughout beta regarding Shadow Dance and the desire to have it use the “Stealth action bar.” To get right to the point, after an upcoming hotfix, Subtlety Rogues will find that Shadow Dance swaps their main action bar to the alternate bar that is used while in Stealth.

For a bit of context on the late change to our thinking on this: we rarely allow automatic functionality (such as action bar swaps, or macros) to choose between core damage abilities on the player’s behalf. We believe it’s important that the player has to make those choices themselves. The Rogue Stealth bar has always been a minor exception to this, but for many years, the Stealth bar was only active for the single ability you used to open a combat, and was not seen again for the duration of combat (other than with Vanish). The ability to bind your openers to the same buttons as your rotational abilities was a convenience that didn’t affect your use of abilities in combat.

However, the new Shadow Dance (and to a lesser extent Subterfuge), has resulted in some Rogues regularly using openers during combat, as elements of their rotation. In this case, the Stealth bar changes from a minor convenience that lets you place once-per-combat buttons on more convenient keybinds, to actually making regular, mid-combat decisions for you.

That said, after following the ongoing discussions and carefully considering your feedback, we understand the desire for consistency with other abilities that allow Stealth-only actions. Given the gray area that Shadow Dance is in, and the widespread feedback that using the Stealth bar would be more consistent and intuitive, we’ve decided to go ahead and allow Shadow Dance to once again swap your main action bar. This hotfix is scheduled to live with weekly restarts in each region.

A few details for players who use macros to further manage their buttons:
  • Shadow Dance will be treated similarly to Subterfuge for the purposes of macro conditionals. It will not activate [stealth], but it will activate [stance:2].
  • If you want to make a macro that mimics the behavior of the main bar (i.e. swapping when you have any of Stealth, Vanish, Subterfuge, or Shadow Dance), you can use the macro conditional [bonusbar:1].

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
High King Title

Just for some lore notes on the title itself...

The title "High King" is more akin to the title "Supreme Commander" that was held by Anduin Lothar, being the commander of the Grand Alliance's armed forces. It doesn't serve to denote "rule", "legal authority", or any kind of faction-wide political control over the civilians of the races that make up the Alliance itself (outside of the case where Varian was the High King of the Alliance, and the King of Stormwind, making him the leader of the humans of Stormwind, obviously).

We've discussed this a lot in the past, but the title and position of "High King" fits thematically with the Alliance - being an alliance formed originally around allegiances to human kingdoms.

Much like the Warchief of the Horde serving a military role, the High King acts to try to coordinate the forces that he is given leave to command (races of the Alliance can refuse to commit forces to the High King). This does not necessarily mean that the entire group agrees with the High King at all times, but they do recognize and understand the need for organized military intervention.

You may suggest that the humans should not have the title of High King, but as said above, there is a historical anchor within the Human Kingdoms for commanding the militaries of the Alliance, and they do believe they are better served by these Kingdoms than they would be by a Republic or Democracy.

A note on the name back to you. You guys decided to call it the "High King," in an Alliance of races where only two of the seven factions have a monarchy, while completely disregarding the much more descriptive and accurate term "Supreme Commander." And then you had the Human King get the title. The message is pretty clear.
I don't personally think there is anything stopping the Alliance from choosing a member of another race as their commander, but it seems to me that, thematically, High King has been fitting of the title for some time. As said, the Alliance was founded as a collection of Human Kingdom, and there is historical weight there for the title of "King". Nothing stops titles from being changed, though.

It is also important to note that the human's relative military strength compared to other members of the Alliance is much larger - especially that of Stormwind - which does give them some precedence in being appointed leader of the larger Alliance military.

Let me see if I can get some answers on the "Why Anduin?" question. (Official Forums)

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Pre-Expansion Events
XP from invasions increased dramatically, should now be a good way to level alts? (Muffinus)
But now I'm getting a heap of XP for completing it.
Correct, the XP bump was on stage completion, not dudes you kill (Muffinus)

.Will the Charred Locket item still be both BoE and able to be returned to its owner after 8/30?
yes (Muffinus)

Are the Karazhan quests limited time pre-launch exclusives, or are they here to stay in Legion?
you can do them at any time after 8/30 by visiting Archivist Elysiana in Dalaran (Muffinus)

The relic effects don't work but their Item Level Does aka some people 850 wep others 750 big difference.
not really that big of a difference. Average item level all that matters. (holinka)
true but their average ilvl goes up quite a bit and ends up being pretty significant
will dbl check but if only difference is 850 wpn, avg ilvl will go up 3 points so 0.3% stats. (holinka)

Overwatch - Competitive Play Season 2 Changes
Changes are coming to Overwatch Competitive Play! Check out all of the details on Overpwn.

WowCraft Ep 30 - The Sound Of Combat
Another episode of WowCraft has been released!

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