Plunderstorm Duo Leveling Rate Adjustment


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Jul 16, 2009
Plunderstorm Duo Leveling Rate Adjustment
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
Avast there!

After our changes yesterday to increase the amount of plunder you get in a match, we saw an unintended side-effect: players were leveling quicker in duos than expected! Plunder gold piles picked up in Plunderstorm contribute towards the overall amount of experience you gain during a match, especially thanks to a bug at level 3.

When leveling up in a match is too fast, some teams get ahead of others much quicker which can lead to less competition. Players hitting max level too early can remove the sense of power progression for the rest of a match, as well.

So this evening, we’ve deployed a hotfix to straighten that all out. We’ve lowered the overall amount of experience players are getting in Duos so that it’s more in line with the pace of leveling in Solos matches.

Keep on plunderin’!

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