Patch 4.3.2 Going Live This Week - Or Maybe Not


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Jul 16, 2009
Patch 4.3.2 Going Live This Week - Or Maybe Not
I just received an update on the Patch 4.3.2, it seems that the update was postponed because of a very bad bug. As far as I know it means the patch won't happen tomorrow, however it might happen on wednesday in the US and thursday in Europe. If it's not the case it will be postponed to next week.

The info was solid and was backed up by a few other things (announcement of PTRs going down, etc) but those last minute changes happen, and there's nothing I can do against them. This is also the reason why Blizzard doesn't announce patches early.

Even if I always warn that things might be postponed, it still sucks when it does happen, and this is pretty much how comfortable I feel when I have to announce it. Feel free to yell at me and make me sad. I'll be in my corner trying to hide in my happy place.

Hahahahhaha warriors dps is the bug

Nerf incoming for josh
Hm wed/thur.. that could interfere with raid time depending on what time. Although wed US thur EU is late morning thur for us, so we shouldn't really need to worry all that much.
They won't release the patch till the next reset, so it doesn't matter about raid times. (it's always the next reset)
Yep, don't worry. Maintenance is only through our whole raid time tonight.

No worries.
This has got 2 be the first time a patch comes on a wed, wat are they thinking