Patch 3.2.2 Notes Update, Blue Posts


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Jul 16, 2009
Patch 3.2.2 PTR Notes Update
The official notes have been updated with a minor changes to shaman's Cleansing Totem.
Quote from Blizzard staff

  • Cleansing Totem: No longer pulses instantly when dropped.

Please note that a new build will be deployed on test realms tonight and that I'll probably have a few other things for you later.
Quote from: Dresorull
We're still working on getting the PTR servers back up and available for testing. We're in the process of updating the PTR servers to a new build. (Source)

Blue Posts
Quote from Blizzard staff
The effects of the Cataclysm on Outland
Just because Azeroth is being affected doesn't mean the threat of the Burning Legion isn't still there (for new toons to experience at least). If anything changes in this regard it would probably be a couple quests that send you there but I wouldn't expect Outland itself to change much since messing with 2 continents is already a lot of work. (Source)

[...] You have to consider the changes with some form of leniency, while technically you could say that if the story progresses then we need to remove a bunch of the content from Outland and Northrend as those are over - but for numerous reasons, you can probably see why that would be a bad idea. This is the same type of thing that happens by just having a persistent world, just because one quest was completed where something was killed doesn't mean it vanishes from your sight forever.

While a level 80 doesn't need to return to the locations of Outland and Northrend and can focus on the new stories - a new character hasn't helped defeat the villains in those areas so they still need to answer the call and fight them off (or in the terms people are tossing around, they need to level). (Source)

Shaman /
Totem of Wrath / Demonic Pact
We want to solve the discrepancy between ToW and DP before Cataclysm.

Demonology needs to be brought because it does competitive dps, not because it has an awesome buff. Or even better, you should want the Demo lock because the player playing it is someone you want to play with. Nobody should get brought because they have an awesome buff but are otherwise a liability. You should be able to get most of the buffs and debuffs you really need in a number of different raid configurations, and ideally even taking two players of the exact same spec won't feel like a mistake. The game should be in defeating the boss, not assembling the group. (Source)
