Patch 6.1 - Dev Interview, Mythic BRF, Colorblind Support, Blue Tweets, Wowcraft #18


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Jul 16, 2009
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Patch 6.1 - Dev Interview
Our friends over at MammyTwink had the opportunity to interview Ion Hazzikostas recently. The highlights of the interview are below, but be sure to watch the whole thing for more context.

Future Content
  • The team is hard at work on much more sizable and proper content patches that will be coming in the future.
  • There are a lot of surprises and exciting stories in store for Patch 6.2. A lot of the information is laid out in quests so far and 6.1 quests will add some more story.
  • The team will consider adding more heirloom slots, but they don't want to let you fill every slot with heirlooms, as you would never get any gear upgrades while leveling.
  • New reputations will be added where they make sense, such as with new factions or rewards. Patch 6.2 could have some new reputations.

  • The team is looking to add more reasons for you to visit a friend's garrison, starting with a few different things like quests and bosses in Patch 6.1.
  • Guild garrisons are an interesting idea, but it comes down to who owns and controls the guild garrison. It would be a lot of fun for whoever is controlling it, but for everyone else it would just be something there that they can't control.
  • The Garrison Campaign will set up the invasion of Tanaan Jungle, so there isn't any more story to tell in Patch 6.1. There are also players still working their way through the Garrison Campaign now, so this break will give them a chance to catch up.

Patch 6.1
  • Patch 6.1 is adding the Heirloom system, Blood Elf Models, and content that gives you a way of interacting with the world that is already there in a new way, getting some new rewards, and revisiting things you haven't been to in a while.
  • Many players already use social media to keep in touch with friends, share screenshots, and talk about boss kills / loot. The team has been thinking about Twitter integration for a while. It is a convenience for people that are already using Twitter, and not really an attempt to get people who aren't already using Twitter involved.
  • Patch 6.1 class tuning is mostly buffs to weaker specs and talents, so it shouldn't drastically change things.
  • Patch 6.1 gave the team a chance to polish the character models and tweak them according to player feedback. In general the team is happy with how new character models have worked out. The new models aren't completely finished though, the team will continue to tweak and improve them as time goes on.

Blackrock Foundry
  • The team is happy with the reception of Blackrock Foundry so far.
  • It has a very cool environment that is also integrated into the fights and feels like a real place, not an area just designed for a raid.
  • Some of the introductory fights on Normal mode may be a little too challenging for people coming in from Normal Highmaul. The difficulty progression is okay so far other than that.
  • The buff runes give you roughly a 1% increase in power and even the best guilds aren't using them regularly. They are being saved for when a kill is really close and you might need them to get that last 1%.
  • Guilds that feel like they really need the buff runes (such as those working towards hardcore Mythic progression) are often the ones selling runs, loot, and achievements, so they can afford to purchase runes for raiders.
  • Giving the runes to players in Raid Finder allows players to win something they can sell for extra gold, without directly adding more gold to the economy.
  • High end raiding guilds used to buy a lot of consumables from players and then sell BoEs and epics back to players. The buff runes are a similar system.

Flying in Draenor
  • The team is satisfied with not being able to fly in Draenor right now, as it allows the world to feel larger and more dangerous.
  • Travel should remain convenient though, which is why Patch 6.1 has a few flightpath improvements.
  • Quests that ask you to do things like free a prisoner from a cage now require you to fight through the camp to get to the cage, not just fly over a wall, land on the cage, click it, and fly away.
  • Hidden treasures and jumping puzzles are also content that can be added with no flying. Patch 6.1 didn't change any of the reasons for having no flying.
  • While the outdoor content remains in Draenor, not having flying makes sense, just like Isle of Thunder and Timeless isle.
  • Players assume flying will never come back, even though the team is still making up their mind about it. There are differing opinions internally and it is still an ongoing discussion. If the team decides to not do flying in Draenor during this expansion, they will let us know.
  • Being able to fly in most of Draenor but not Tanaan Jungle is one possibility.

Mythic Blackrock Foundry Progression
Method and Paragon both have 9/10 bosses down still, with no new guilds joining them yet. There are now 21 guilds at 8/10 bosses down. You can keep up with the latest progress on WoWProgress, our forum thread, and Manaflask.

New Colorblind Support in Patch 6.1
Patch 6.1 adds some official colorblind support to the game.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
In World of Warcraft patch 6.1, you’ll find a new user interface system that we’ve designed to assist players who have common visual issues related to colorblindness.

In the new ‘Accessibility’ interface configuration section, you’ll be able to enable both text and color enhancements that may improve your visual experience while playing WoW. ‘Enable UI Colorblind Mode’ (which was previously in the Help section) is now here. These text enhancements add certain words and phrases to the tooltips throughout the game—tooltips that, by default, use different colors to indicate useful information about objects, NPCs, and other players.

For example, when you move your mouse cursor over a piece of rare gear and then a piece of epic gear, the game colors the names of the items blue and then purple, respectively. With ‘UI Colorblind Mode’ enabled, the game will add the words “Rare” and “Epic” to the tooltips for those items. For players who find it difficult to discern between friendly, neutral, or hostile targets, additional indication text in the tooltip will now appear when you move your mouse cursor over other characters.

The game will now have three sets of colorblind filters to choose from: protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia.

These are designed to assist players who have one of the three types of dichromacy, and should be useful to those who have one of the three kinds of anomalous trichromacy: protanomaly, deuteranomaly, and tritanomaly. Each set of color adjustments is available via a handy dropdown selector, and each comes with a ‘strength’ slider. The farther to the right you set the slider, the more the game removes potentially problematic wavelengths of color for each type.

To learn more about color vision deficiencies, check out the Wikipedia article on “Color blindness”. You can find a number of resources and free online color vision tests at

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
are you guys going to fix the tier 11 mage helm for pandaren characters?
Appreciate the heads-up! This is fixed in 6.1. (WarcraftDevs)

Character / Items
why are Highmaul Relic BOA and not Bind to account like the Relic of Rukhmar?
Appreciate the report! Thanks to your notice, we've fixed this for Patch 6.1 and Highmaul Relics will become Bind to BNet. (WarcraftDevs)

with the crafted shield change, any plans to change the other crafted items? Specifically weapons?
No further changes are planned to the Crafted (3) set membership at this time. (WarcraftDevs)

The new worg mounts are all bugged in size save the one from Nok-Karosh, will this be fixt on 6.1 ?
Thank you for the report! We'll get this fixed as soon as we can. (WarcraftDevs)

Will sets like the Bloodsail Buccaneers set ever be transmoggable? I want my Worgen mage to be a Pirate all the time.
It's not something we're currently planning to do, but a more thorough transmog system for the future is being discussed. (WarcraftDevs)

Can you force Dinomancers on Horridon to loosen their clutch on orbs? Such a drag if you kill them before they transform.
Once they are below 50% health, after a second they'll begin to do their thing. Or, don't kill 'em and go for the achievement! (WarcraftDevs)

Reputation / Questing
Any official reply on why the "Challenge at the Ring of Blood" apexis daily hasn't being available since the first week of WoD
The event is returning in Patch 6.1 but not as an Apexis Daily. (WarcraftDevs)

World Events
How come Crown Chem Co. dungeon minimum level is 100 this year? Shouldn't it be accessible a level or two early like normal?
Moving forward, we're tuning loot and difficulty for the holiday dungeons to max level, and LFG requirements reflect that. (WarcraftDevs)

no longer interested in ever doing the turtle game at the Darkmoon Faire with how much harder you made it now on the PTR.
It's actually much easier to get 10/10 now, provided you go in with a strategy. Watch that turtle's movements! (Muffinus)
ok that worked, the tonk one though still seems ridiculous cause the tonk will shoot away from a target on multiple occations.
Some achievements are meant to be difficult, if we wanted you to get all of them on day 1 we'd just mail you the toys on login. (Muffinus)

Any plans for 615/630/645 follower tokens? IMO, they should just behave as upgrade tokens if the targeted ilevel is higher
We have no changes planned for these items. (WarcraftDevs)

Will 6.1 jukebox music choice persist between zone transitions/logout, or must music be reselected upon entering the garrison?
Persists when you exit your Garrison on foot/mount. Upon login, it'll play the last song then transition back to normal music. (WarcraftDevs)

Are there any plans of increasing follower limit, since you introduce even more of those in 6.1 (Garrona and stuff?)
Not in 6.1. The mission additions shouldn’t add significantly more mission volume such that you'd need more active followers. (WarcraftDevs)

why do i get "Failed to create pet battles" when trying to do the dailies in Garrison ??
Typically happens if there is a ground object obstructing your line-of-sight to the battler. Can you replicate the issue? (WarcraftDevs)
If you can replicate, please post a screenshot of where you're standing and post the details in our Bug Report forum. (WarcraftDevs)

Is there any plans in the future to expand Bodyguard traits in Followers? I have some Followers I would love to take with me!
No plans for changes to followers in 6.1 along these lines, but it's an interesting idea and something we'll consider. (WarcraftDevs)

Wowcraft Episode #18 - Mine Your Business
Wowcraft Episode #18 has been released.

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