Patch 7.3.2 - Silithus Past, Solo Gul'dan Kill, Blue Posts, Tweets, DLC #603


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Jul 16, 2009
Diablo PTR Patch Patch Notes

Meet BaiZe - The HCT's First Championship Woman Impresses in LA

Patch 7.3.2 - Silithus Past Time Traveling Spell
Patch 7.3.2 adds a wound to Silithus. You can get more context by listening to the VO and reading the old Sargeras shirt description.

A recent PTR build added a spell that will allow you to go back to the version of Silithus that existed prior to the Wound in the World, similar to spells that allow you to go back to the old Blasted Lands or Theramore.

Solo Gul'dan Kill
Mionelol had another impressive solo kill recently, with a Normal Gul'dan kill!

Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Gul'dan! Darkness Incarnate.

How gracious of Blizzard to have created a whole cinematic just for me.

This encounter would be pretty simple if it did not have an enrage timer, however I can safely say that timer is unbeatable with current DPS. Gul'dan himself has 1.04b HP, while enrage happens at 12 minutes. That's around 1.4million DPS, even disregarding phase 1 where he's immune to damage.

But of course, enrage timers aren't really a thing that have stopped me in the past, have they?

Gul'dan's enrage is one of those enrages that have a limited duration of 30 minutes; and thankfully, Gul'dan conveniently pacifies himself (more or less) during phase 1, which, combined with the fact the Inquisitor cannot move and has a maximum range on his Dark Blast, makes timing out the enrage possible, although it requires bandaging on cd and accurate cd usage+positioning in order to survive the +900% damage Liquid Hellfire casts. Prydaz helps tremendously with surviving, with the absorb shield being up on every hellfire, however I did not want to use Prydaz for the remainder of the fight and opted to survive without using it. Who would have thought first aid would be useful in Legion?

It'd be pretty simple if it stopped there, however thankfully for Gul'dan, his adds also gain the enrage buff, which includes both the phase 1 adds and the eyes he summons frequently during phase 2 and 3. And, of course, that includes the eyes he summons even after Gul'dan himself is not affected by enrage anymore, which leads to the major struggle of this fight; how to deal with eyes that have a 900% damage buff? That's 2.5m damage taken per second, per eye. Each eye also buffs its damage with every tick, and duplicates relatively quickly if not killed, so it is imperative to dispose of them ASAP. My gear is entirely tailored towards that need (20% avoidance cap, extremely heavy emphasis on mastery/vers, moroes ring, double active trinkets)

Of course, eye spawns overlap with his other abilities, mainly Fel Scythe and Bonds of Fel, which, while not particularly threatening by themselves, still deal a non negligible amount of damage and can be deadly when overlapping with eyes.

In Phase 2, the duplicate eyes do not have the enrage buff, which makes them not too threatening (although it can still quickly get out of control if not rapidly kept in check), however in phase 3 the duplicates *do* enrage, which can very quickly lead to disaster. Moreoever, phase 3 has the dreaded "two eyes back to back" spawn, happening regularly, which is difficult to deal with, as you do not have infinite cooldowns at your disposal. Thankfully, that's also the only threat of phase 3. It nearly killed me towards the very end

Either way, enjoy the kill! This took 1 hour and 9 minutes in total, however the fight truly begins at the 42:30ish mark, so that's more of a 27 minute fight.

Gear: ilvl 943, artifact level 69.

Legendaries: Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish, Archimonde's Hatred Reborn
Talents: Abyssal Strike, Burning Alive, Flame Crash, Fracture, Concentrated Sigils, Spirit Bomb, Soul Barrier

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Retribution Paladin Mobility

People generally see mobility as primarily gap closing and are not considering the ability to DPS on the move, which I think is what Ythisens is getting at.
This is generally what I'm talking about. Mobility and movement are not just gap closing, its the ability to get in, get out, and ignore, because if you can stand in an ability and not need to move through whatever means of negating it, then you're essentially eliminating the need to move at all.

Really that quote came out of me not wording it correctly so that's my fault. What I should have said was "Retribution Paladins have great mobility/utility options for movement."

This hurt to read. How do Blessings help mobility?

> LUL maybe he thought pvp talents work in pve XD.

There have been a lot of encounters over the years that have mechanics that you can ignore due to Blessing of Freedom and Blessing of Protection. I can't tell you how many times Freedom has saved me or a raid member during Mistress Sassz'ine alone this tier. Freedom and Blessing both are great utility options that Retribution can bring if they're needed especially if you have great reaction and raid awareness. There have been mechanics that you can actually eliminate by casting Blessing of Protection on someone the fraction of a second they're targeted before its applied if you're fast enough. If you're using these abilities in the right way they're considered mobility options in an encounter.

Also, so that everyone is still aware, I'm a Community Manager and its just my opinion on the state of the Retribution. You can totally disagree with my assessment and that's fine. Retribution is fun to me and has been ever since I picked it up after Wrath went live and I'll honestly play it regardless of the state.

I do still agree with some of the suggestions and opinions here but I don't personally think we need huge changes or overhauls, just little tweaks but overall we're fine. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
The hardest part of working on WoW is coming up with yet another new name for a crab every year for 10+ years. (Muffinus)

Dark Legacy Comics #603
DLC #603 has been released!

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