Patch 8.0 PTR - Artifact Retirement Questline


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Jul 16, 2009
Patch 8.0 PTR - Artifact Retirement Questline
The pre-expansion patch on the PTR has updated to include the quest chain that leads to our Artifact Weapons becoming inactive as we head into Battle for Azeroth.

Spoilers: When you log into the PTR, you are given the quest The Speaker's Call which has you travel to Silithus and talk to the flight master of your respective faction's hub in order to get a ride up to your faction's gunship. Magni is on board with a select number of influential Legion NPCs (based on your class) who also have Artifact weapons.

Upon turn in, you will receive the quest The Power in Our Hands which requires you to speak to Magni to initiate a cutscene in which you and the other NPCs use your Artifact Weapons to drain the energy from Sargeras's sword and stabilize the wound.

Completing these quests will still allow you to use your Artifact Weapon, but all traits and abilities attached to it will become disabled, including those from the Netherlight Crucible and your relics. Relics can still be slotted into the weapon, but all they do is increase the item level of the weapon.

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