Questions for the Devs, Warcraft Movie, Day of the Dead, Tweets, Pumpkin Contest


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Jul 16, 2009
Pumpkin Carving Contest Winners, Rank #1 HC 4-Man vs GR 81

November Ranked Card Back, BlizzCon Dev Interview Questions, Hearthstone World Championships - Day 4

Pumpkin Carving Contest Winners, WTF Moments #22, Top 5 Fails #23

Submit Questions for the Developers
We have our first interview in a long time coming up at Blizzcon and as always, we want to let the community ask questions! This time our interview will be covering the design of Legion.

If you have any questions you think we should ask, be sure to add them to the comments of the linked post for consideration. We will pick the best questions and add them to our list!

  • Don't post any questions in the comments of this news post. Use the linked topic instead.
  • These should be questions about Legion, not Warlords of Draenor.
  • No class specific questions please. This includes things like balance between the different healing/tank/DPS classes and specs.
  • Keep questions reasonably short.

Warcraft Trailer Screenshots
Some screenshots from the Warcraft trailer were posted on Reddit this weekend. Obviously this was not intended for release and may not represent the final movie.

Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead was updated last year. There are several wrestling inspired costumes you can purchase for 100 from Chapman. Once in the costume, you can do battle with other costumed players. You can use the costumes even after the holiday is over!

There seems to be a bug with the achievements this year, as you can't kill other players with the costume on, only bring them to 1 health. You need to be dueling for them to die.

If you haven't already done the other part of the holiday, be sure to check out the guide on Icy Veins.

Level Type Slot Name
1Holiday "Blooming Rose" Contender's Costume
1Holiday "Night Demon" Contender's Costume
1Holiday "Purple Phantom" Contender's Costume
1Holiday "Santo's Sun" Contender's Costume
1Holiday "Snowy Owl" Contender's Costume

Name Points
To The Afterlife Defeat a contender while wearing a contender's outfit purchased during Day of the Dead.
Vientos! Defeat 20 contenders while wearing a contender's outfit purchased during Day of the Dead.
Calavera Defeat 50 contenders while wearing a contender's outfit purchased during Day of the Dead.

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
How do you feel about Wildstar's area-effect visuals and would you change them? (Muffinus)
I think Wildstar really made that their thing, so it works for them. I was worried we were going to overdo it for WoW.
I agree with this statement. (Muffinus)

Why is "gamey" considered a bad thing? — Games need rules, but when the rules intrude too much it can be disruptive…
Real answer: because immersion is often at odds with clarity. Sometimes, there is a more immersive way to get that gameplay. (Muffinus)

Commercial gyms are like Casual guilds, with casual members. Minimum effort yet members want maximum attention / perks.
Gyms want to be a product that everyone buys but very few people use: (holinka)
ultimately you should be happy about those casuals. They keep prices down. (holinka)
over the members who pour their sweat and hard work day in day out at the gym?
make a gym like that! Maybe you can change the world! (This is all addressed in the linked podcast btw) (holinka)
also it is probably not $10-20 more a month. More like "double or triple what I pay now." (holinka)
I'm also not saying it's a good thing. Just the way gyms are structured now. Definitely room for high price hardcore gyms. (holinka)
why should that even be a means to an end though. I'm not even thinking about a REALLY hardcore gym. Just some place that has high
I guess the bottom line is most gyms are setup to sell memberships not to have people work out in them. Seems backwards right? (holinka)
Just describing why not defending it. But that person who gets on the elliptical for 10 then leaves is more cost effective. (holinka)
pays as much as you but is only there for 10 minutes. Most cost effective person? The one that never shows up at all. Free money (holinka)
real life is very sad (holinka)

Ghostcrawler Tweets
Ghostcrawler still occasionally talks about WoW. Remember that he no longer works for or speaks for Blizzard.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
what's your take on the popularity of classic WoW servers? Is it time?
I've never played on one. I understand the appeal but not sure if it's a satisfying meal or just a light snack. (OccupyGStreet)

2015 Pumpkin Contest Winners
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
The winners of this year's pumpkin-carving contest have been chosen -- and they're monstrously spectacular. We'd like to thank everyone who participated this year, and we can't wait to see your mad scientist skills in action again next time around.

Check out all of the creepy, incredible, and creative winning pumpkins here.

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