Season 6 Elite Ensembles Hotfix, Island Expeditions Changes, Blue Post, Brigitte Live


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Jul 16, 2009
Season 6 Elite Ensembles Hotfix
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
PvP gear in legion has been a sore spot for the whole expansion, but season 6 has kind of been the culmination, since it was staggered with a raid release (making pvp gear ilevels dramatically below comparable pve content; ironic since the only thing that matters in a pvp instance is ilevel), and it shares elite set appearance with S7, which will last until BFA pre-patch.

The issue at hand now, at season end, is the elite ensembles. Their stated policy is that they do not release the ensembles to vendors until the ensemble is no longer the current skin. Since S7 ensembles will be the same as S5/6 ensembles, they're not going to be released to the vendors to be buyable by those who achieved s5/6 elite. This is frustrating for a lot of us, because that means we will not have access to our rewards until the expansion is virtually over. It would be less frustrating if the elite sets were less RNG and generally more attainable during a season, but..

  • 2k is duelist range (top 3% of a bracket that is ~60k players) for at least 12/16 weeks of the season.
  • It doesn't become accessible for rivals (top 10% of the bracket) until the last month or so once the season has gone long enough and rating has inflated to that point.
  • Random drops over 2k are not elite
  • 9 of the possible 17 slot pieces that can drop in your guaranteed elite weekly (once you're over 2k) are not visible set pieces, making it possible to be 2k+ for an entire season and still never complete your set because of unlucky rng. (some of the people on the front page of the pvp leaderboard still don't have the full set)

In previous expansions where gear was bought with currency, people could save currency and purchase entire sets when they hit the rating required for that set. IMO, releasing the set at the end of the season to those who hit the cutoff should be the compromise to alleviate that. However, their stated intent is to not release them in this way while they're still current drops so that there is an exclusive reward for people playing in the next season, since they're the same skin. IMO, that is unsatisfactory. Exclusive rewards are great, but if that's going to be the mentality, each season needs to have its own set. At least a recolor. The system was poorly thought out from the get-go, and the players should not be punished for it.

Looking into this guys! Thanks for the feedback, however please do not jump into other threads and derail them as that is something that is against the Code of Conduct. We've been seeing this post throughout the morning and have been tracking it. While we don't have an answer to really give you guys at the moment, we are actively speaking with development and will share any information that we get when we can.

Hey guys! We've spoken to the development team and we're currently planning to release the ensembles sooner rather than later via a hotfix. We don't have an exact timeline just yet of when this will happen, but its something we will hopefully have out sooner than the end of the season.

Agreed when the timeline is known will please be able to inform us?
We have a generalized timeline right now internally but its met with the usual caveats of development. The hotfix has to be created, then tested, then pushed to the live servers, and verified that it does work. So Development and QA have to find room to squeeze this in an already full schedule.

We don't like giving timelines unless we're 110% sure because literally anything can happen. i.e. hotfix doesn't work, schedules shift around etc.

TL;DR: Soon™ is a real thing sometimes!

Upcoming Island Expeditions Changes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
These changes will be in the next build:

  • Creatures no longer increase in Azerite over time, but are worth more in general.
  • Players and Advanced NPCs gain Azerite Residue slower
  • Updated abilities for Azerite-based elementals
  • New abilities for several humanoid groups
  • Normal difficulty tuning (generally, things will be easier, and the AI is less aggressive)
  • AI NPCs should jump around less
  • Updated Azerite visuals all around
  • Azerite Energy no longer stacks
  • Consumables available at your docks now cost Seafarer's Dubloons
  • Seafarer's Dubloons can now show up on Expeditions
  • Each faction's ship captain will now order a cannon barrage on enemies that come too near.
  • New weather effects have been added to elemental invasions.

Of note, we think the current tuning (on alpha) is in a good spot for Heroic difficulty, so on Normal you'll see creatures get a bit easier, the AI will be less aggressive towards you, and generally things will slow down, giving you some more time to explore.

We'll get that ground visual issue looked at.

Keep it coming!

We do indeed plan to have a mythic difficulty, as well as a PvP one!

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Marksmanship Hunter in Battle for Azeroth

There is absolutely no interaction in just waiting to get a proc for Aimed Shot, especially when it doesn't even grant a free charge.
It does grant a free charge.

When Lock and Load procs, it generates 1 full charge of Aimed Shot. If you're at 0.5 out of 2 charges, it brings you up to 1.5 total charges immediately, so that Aimed Shot can be used as soon as you want to use it. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

New Overwatch Patch - Brigitte Live and Sombra Nerf
Brigitte Lindholm went live in a brand new Overwatch patch yesterday!

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